Project definition

Adapt the complete production and supply chain to follow the new EU-regulations for lead-free electronics, the so called RoHS-directive. Also marketing, customer relations, internal and external information/education were included the scope.

Project description

From a principal point of view the whole company was affected by this extremely challenging change process. First of all, the complete purchase and supply chain process was re-engineered with a more complex warehouse system, including minimizing risks and obsolescence deduction. Total inventory walk-through and split of stored articles. New and modified production technology with fine tuning thereof, and education of personnel. Product walk-through with customers to analyze which products are directly or indirectly affected, and any additional what other factors to take into account.


The EMS-company is today producing according to RoHS for those customers   affected by the directive. Full control of the supply chain, leaded/unleaded components and warehouse status has been achieved. The customers are fully satisfied with the status and support given by the company.

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