Project definition
To analyze prerequisites for LCC production. Options were green-field establishment, acquisition of existing business or long term partnership with local EMS-provider. Analysis thereof and corresponding recommendation to be presented to the Board. The Board will then decide which way to go.
Project description
Thorough analysis of the geographical, infra structural, legal and cost-beneficial facts and conditions. Mapping and analysis of available options. Thereafter a scrupulous selection process followed by a decision on 1 candidate. Standard due diligence, negotiation, finance, bank and lawyer discussions, contract negotiation, etc. Take over of the business, management issues, competence transfer, global supply aspects, controlling of the business unit, marketing aspects, information and education, etc.
An LCC unit with similar business was bought, and became a well suited tailor made compliment to the Swedish mother factory. After the acquisition the Swedish unit achieved a far better competing position compared to earlier.
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